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Aquatic Weeds page header
Link to MP556 - Aquatic Vegetation Control in Arkansas.pdfAquatic weeds are the most common problem faced by pond owners. One of the benefits of the frequency of this problem is an abundance of literature to guide the identification and management of aquatic weeds. 

The first step to managing aquatic weeds is correct identification. Two online sources that can help tremendously in this process are Texas A&M AgriLife Extension’s AquaPlant webpages, and the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Science’s Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants webpages. Once identified, the MP556 - Aquatic Vegetation Control in Arkansas has detailed instructions on how to manage the most common problematic aquatic weeds in Arkansas. At any point in the process, you can contact University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service offices for help and guidance. 

Additional resources:
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension’s AquaPlant
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Science’s Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants
MP556 - Aquatic Vegetation Control in Arkansas
MP44 - Recommended Chemicals for Weed and Brush Control - Aquatics Section - 2021
FSA9094 - Algal Blooms, Scums and Mats in Ponds
FSA9540 - Recognizing Understanding and Treating Harmful Algal Blooms
SRAC 4605 Algal Toxins in Pond Aquaculture
SRAC 0360 Aquatic Weed Management - Control Methods
SRAC 0361 Aquatic Weed Management - Herbicides
SRAC 3602 Aquatic Herbicide Mode of Action and Use Implications
SRAC 0410 Calculating Treatments for Ponds and Tanks
SRAC 3600 Using Grass Carp in Aquaculture and Private Impoundments