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History is one of the most ancient of academic disciplines and includes the study of everything mankind has ever done. Historians depend primarily on written sources for evidence, but also incorporate all manner of physical evidence as well. Historians seek first to determine what happened in the past and then to explain why it happened. Knowledge of history provides understanding of how and why societies evolved to their present condition and level of development. This knowledge and understanding is critical in determining the likely results of contemporary trends and policies in a society so that reasoned judgements can be made as to whether current trends should be allowed to continue or an alternative course of action should be taken. 



1. To provide a broad base of knowledge and understanding in American, Western Civilization, and non-Western history.

2. To develop skills that will enable students to distinguish between facts and opinions, and to think rationally, logically, and critically.

3. To provide knowledge and understanding of other disciplines and how they contribute to the work of historians.

4. To provide knowledge and understanding of the methods historians use in historical research, including statistics, and develop a high level of skill in writing and the use of computers.

5. To provide students with the knowledge and skills to perform successfully in a graduate or professional program or to find gainful employment in the public or private sector.



1. Majors must present a grade of “C” or better in all required courses in history, which include nine (9) hours of core courses, and 27 hours of electives.

2. Majors in history must meet all of the institutional requirements of the University.