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CAEP Annual Reporting Measures (Fall 2019 - Spring 2020) 

CAEP Annual Reporting Measure 4.1: ImpactMeasure 1 (Initial) Completer Impact P-12 Learning[5519].pdf on P-12 Learning and Development: 
Education Preparation Provider Quality Report data are collected from the following sources: Educator Preparation Providers Surveys of First-year Teachers Surveys of First-year Teachers’ Supervisors Federal Higher Education Act (HEA) Title II reports. HEA Title II is a national data collection for states and EPPs that is related to teacher preparation and licensure. 

The value added growth scores report provides a summary of the Value-Added Measures (VAM) scores for the Educator Preparation Provider for three years of Completer Cohorts. Tables and charts are provided for review of the value-added growth scores of students associated with Completers in each Cohort. 
Cohort's Value Added Growth Scores.pdf 

CAEP Standard Annual Reporting Measure 4.2: Indicators of Teaching Effectiveness: 
Data collected for AY 2019-2020 was rated by school administrators. Completers are evaluated based upon the Arkansas Teacher Excellence Support System (AR-TESS). TESS indicator ratings are provided on a 4 point Likert scale. The data will allow the EPP to further determine the effectiveness of its completers. 
CAEP Outcome Measure 2 
CAEP Standard Annual Reporting Measure 4.3: Satisfaction of Employers and Employment Milestones: 
CAEP (Components 4.3/A.4.1) Satisfaction of Employers and Employment Milestones for initial and advanced level completers were evaluated by completers’ supervisors (school administrators). School administrators evaluated completers on the TESS Four Domains. Indicators from 1 to 4, with four being the highest. The Number of completers evaluated were (N=19) compared to the statewide Average (N=2,785). Data results conclude that the school administrators were satisfied overall with completers. One score was satisfactory for the Cohort 2019 of 2.88 for Domain 1c. Setting Instructional Outcomes. The EPP will evaluate any trends among teacher candidates and faculty to develop an improvement plan for Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for any of the TESS Domains. Due to Covid-19 related school closures in AY 2019-2020, there are no Milestones to report at this time. 
CAEP Outcome Measure 3 
CAEP Standard Annual Reporting Measure 4.4: Satisfaction of Completers: 
CAEP (Components 4.4/A.4.2) Data collected for AY 2019-2020 for initial and advanced level completers were done by ADE and EPP. ADE collected data of satisfaction of completers’ preparation in coursework, Praxis, Praxis PLT, edTPa, and scientific reading instructions prep. Indicators from 1 to 4, with four being the highest. The Number of completers evaluated were (N=10) compared to the statewide Average (N=1,578). The Median Score range for Satisfaction of Completers Measure 4 is 3.25. The EPP also conducted a survey for Measure 4. EPP completed a survey regarding their preparation for teaching in P-12 Schools. The survey is aligned to ADE’s TESS Four Domains and tagged with CAEP Standards and other key indicators. In addition, open ended questions and responses are included. EPP’s Completer’s surveys returned were low (N=4). Due to Covid-19 related school closures in AY 2019-2020, a completer focus group has been rescheduled for fall 2021.  CAEP Outcome Measure 4  AY 2019-2020 Satisfaction of Completers 
CAEP Standard Annual Reporting Measure 5: Graduation Rates (Initial & Advanced Levels) 
EPP’s Graduation Rates-Completers fall 2019-spring 2020 Academic Year. 
CAEP Outcome Measure 5 
CAEP Standard Annual Reporting Measure 6: Ability of Completers to be meet licensing (Certification) and any additional state requirements: 
The certification/licensure data report was provided from the Arkansas Department of Education & Title II Report Chart. The MAT/M.Ed. PLT Scores of completers will be available in summer 2021. 
CAEP Outcome Measure 6 
CAEP Annual Reporting Measure 7: Ability of completers to be hired in education positions for which they have prepared: 
EPP’s Employment Chart show that UAPB completers are employed at a high rate. 
CAEP Outcome Measure 7 
CAEP Annual Reporting Measure 8 Student Loan Default Rates (Initial & Advanced Levels): 
Consumer information for fall 2019-spring 2020 
CAEP Outcome Measure 8 
Salary of Beginning Teachers 
Cost of Attendance 

CAEP Annual Reporting Measures (Fall 2016 - Spring 2019) 

Measure 1: Completer Impact on P-12 Student Learning and Development (Component 4.1) 

The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) developed a process for collecting value-added data on individual teachers and released a Value-Added Growth Report. Because The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff’s Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) had such a small number of teachers, no information would be included in the state’s value-added data report. Until the state refines its process, or the EPP’s number of teachers grow large enough for inclusion, the Educator Preparation Provider will partner with local school districts to collect P-12 student performance data. 

The EPP has already developed and received signed MOUs from partnering school districts to share performance data, and during the fall 2018 semester, the EPP conducted a pilot to collect and establish comparative data points. The MOU Partnership Agreement’s language included partners sharing UAPB completers’ annual evaluation with consent of their state assessment or classroom performance data and state or school/grade level performance as a means of comparison of their impact on students’ performance. When specific requests were made to our partnerships for teacher evaluations, ACT Aspire, Renaissance STAR, or other school/grade level of performance data, the EPP did not received consistent and comparable data across schools. As a result, the EPP settled on collecting Renaissance STAR data and reviewed the data provided by examining STAR pre and post-test scores to determine if some growth had occurred. Since that time, the EPP had discussions with school staff and found that the STAR Student Growth Percentage (SGP) would provide a more meaningful analysis of its (UAPB-EPP) completers’ impact on student learning. The EPP has revised the reporting and analysis of the original pilot data to reflect SGP. The EPP also revised its plan to secure data to meet the standard. Links to the revised fall 2018 pilot data and phase in plan are below 
CAEP Outcome Measure 1 Completer Impact Pilot & Phase-in Plan 

Measure 2: Completer Effectiveness (Component 4.2) 

The EPP developed its own completer effectiveness surveys because its completers’ responses to the ADE surveys were consistently below ten completers and were not included in the state annual report. The UAPB Completer Survey is modeled after the ADE Completer Survey. Teachers are evaluated based upon the Arkansas Teacher Excellence Support System (AR-TESS). TESS indicator ratings are provided on a 4 point Likert scale. Data collected will allow the EPP to further determine the effectiveness of its completers. The UAPB Completer Survey also includes open ended questions designed to provide additional information on effectiveness. 
CAEP Outcome Measure 2 

Measure 3: Employer Satisfaction (Component 4.3) 

The EPP developed its own employer effectiveness survey because the employers’ responses to the ADE survey were consistently below ten employers and were not included in the state annual report. The UAPB Employer Survey is modeled after the ADE Employer Survey. School Administrators evaluated UAPB completers based upon the Arkansas Teacher Excellence Support System (AR-TESS). TESS indicator ratings are provided on a 4 point Likert scale. Data collected from the TESS evaluations will allow UAPB EPP to further determine the effectiveness of its completers. The UAPB Employer Survey also includes open ended questions, designed to provide additional information on effectiveness. 
CAEP Outcome Measure 3 

Measure 4: Completer Satisfaction (Component 4.4 | A.4.2) 

EPP completers completed a survey regarding their preparation. The survey is aligned to CAEP Standards and measures the completers’ perceived level of preparation and other key indicators. 
CAEP Outcome Measure 4 Completer Satisfaction Survey 

Measure 5: Graduation Rates 

EPP’s Graduation Rate Data of completers for fall 2016-spring 2019 academic years 
Graduation Rates of Admitted Candidates and Completer Percentage 

Measure 6: Ability of Completers to Meet Licensing Requirements 

The Title II Report shows that our candidates meet licensing requirements by consistently passing licensure examinations and completing the required number of clinical hours 
Title II Credentialing Exam & Supervised Clinical Hours 

Measure 7: Ability of Completers to Be Hired in Education Positions for Which They Have Been Prepared 

The AR Educator Preparation Provider Quality Report and UAPB Completer Employment Chart show that UAPB completers are employed at a high rate and a significant percentage of them go on to attend graduate school. 
*See “IV. First-year Program Completers Employed in Arkansas Public Schools (APS)” in the AR Educator Preparation Provider Quality Report for in-state employment of EPP completers and UAPB Completer Employment Chart for all completers. 
UAPB Educator Preparation Provider Quality Report 
UAPB Completer Employment Chart 

Measure 8: Consumer Information