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Black and Gold, Fit and Bold

The mission of the UAPB Wellness program, Black and Gold, Fit and Bold, is to promote and improve the wellness of the campus community by empowering each employee to become physically active and demonstrate health-promoting behaviors. The intent is that the benefits gained individually and collectively by each employee will be compounded and manifested throughout the campus community.

The goals of the program are to:

Promote physical activity, healthy behaviors and wellness among members of the campus community.

Educate employees on the benefits of physical activity and healthy behaviors and/or risk factors associated with chronic disease and reduced health/wellness.

Offer programs emphasizing awareness, prevention, and positive health behavior changes

To achieve these goals, the program aims to:

Provide on-campus physical activity programs and promote other opportunities on UAPB campus and in the community that encourage employees to be active. 

Provide materials for knowledge and skills to improve and maintain health that may enhance academic and/or work performance.

The Black and Gold, Fit and Bold program offers various physical activities to our employees throughout the year for a small fee. Some of those physical activities include line dancing exercise, water aerobics, aerobics, Zumba and lap swimming. The community may participate in these activities for a fee. You may find the listing of the dates and time located on the Wellness website or through Campus Bulletin.

Real Appeal Weight Loss Program

Real Appeal is an online weight loss program. It’s available for free to University employees enrolled in a University medical plan. Real Appeal is designed to help you lose weight and live a healthier life.

Here’s what you’ll get with Real Appeal:

  • Up to a year of support from a Transformation Coach. This is the person who guides you through the program and develops a simple, customized plan that fits your needs, preferences and goals.
  • Unlimited access to Real Appeal’s digital content library. The library includes workout videos, tools to help track food, activity and weight, weekly analysis and feedback, recipes and more.
  • Access to weekly online coaching sessions with your Transformation Coach and a group of fellow members.  Session topics include emotional eating, mindset, lack of motivation, and adding more behavior change and psychology tips.
  • A success kit. It’s full of healthy weight management tools, including a perfect portions plate, weight scale and access to a digital fitness subscription.

For more information, contact:

Cynthia A. Hunter

HR Program Manager/Wellness Program Coordinator

Phone: 870-575-8863

Fax: 870-575-4658
