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2019 Science Fair

Note: All registration must go through the school’s teacher and is limited to 25 participants per school. Parental consent will be secured by each teacher. Registration will close at midnight on January 25, 2019.

A Valuable Opportunity

Present original and independent research projects and display research exhibits for cash prizes and awards in the official categories below in preparation for the Regional and State Fairs held in March and April.

Official Categories

Animal Science
Behavior & Social Sciences
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Computer Science
Earth & Planetary Science
Energy & Transportation
Engineering: Electrical & Mechanical
Engineering: Materials & Bioengineering
Environmental Management
Environmental Sciences
Mathematical Sciences
Medicine & Health Sciences
Physics & Astronomy
Plant Science
Team (No more than 2 students)


  • Student registration and set-up will occur between 7:30 AM - 8:45 AM. All students will report to the UAPB HPER arena registration table to sign in. Please be on time.
  • At registration, students will be assigned to a judging area and table in the arena and receive their name tag and agenda for the Exposition.
  • Students are required to wear their name tag throughout the Exposition (7:30 AM - 12:30 PM)
  • Any project conducted by two students must be registered in the team category, regardless of the content area of the research. 
  • Students MUST present a signed parental release form at the registration table. Students without the signed form will NOT be allowed entrance nor display at the Expo.
  • Students will display their board, paper and log on the assigned table. Abstracts must be displayed. Photographs must be cited. Chemicals and organisms of any type will NOT be allowed.
  • Students will be dismissed from the judging process by category and by consensus of all judges of that category.
  • Once students are dismissed by their judge, they will leave the judging area and be seated in the bleachers in the arena.
  • Students must remove their project board from the judging area by 3:00 pm following the awards ceremony.
  • The awards assembly will take place at 12:30 p.m. in the HPER arena

Sponsored by:
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Economic Development

Contact Information:
Science Fair Exposition
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
1200 N. University Drive , Mail Slot 4972 
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
(870) 575-7113

Questions: Call (870) 575-7113 or email